Photo illustration of a horse looking out of a stable door

Horse & Rider insurance


Horse insurance with a meaning

Every policy with us helps another animal. Providing protection for horses from as young as 30 days old up to 20 years of age, our policies can help you with the cost of vet fees and enables us to make a difference to animals around the world.

We offer a Standard Horse policy with a range of cover levels to suit the needs of your horse and your budget. You also have the option to add on a range of additional benefits, including cover for if anyone was injured whilst riding your horse, or if your horse went missing or was stolen.

Our Standard Horse policy is a Time Limited policy which means your horse will be covered for 12 months after a condition is first noticed by yourself or your vet, or when an accident happens.

More about our Standard Horse cover



Insurance tailored to older horses

We know that as horses get older their needs can change and with it the growing importance to ensure that they are protected.

Our Mature Horse policy provides cover for accidental injury for horses over 20 years old. In addition to veterinary fees cover, our Mature Horse policy also allows you to customise your cover with a range of optional additional benefits to suit your own needs.

Your horse will be covered for the cost of veterinary fees and/or complementary treatment for 12 months from the date of an accidental injury or until the benefit limit of £2000 is reached.

More about our Mature Horse cover

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Riders accident and injury insurance

We know that as a horse rider you want peace of mind that if you have an accident when riding, you’ll be covered.

Whether you're riding a horse you don’t own, or one you have on loan, we offer cover for you. As well as legal support following an accident and emergency vet treatment for the horse, our cover also includes help if you are injured while riding.

Our Standard Rider policy offers protection for riders aged between 18 and 75 years old and our Young Rider policy is available for those aged 5 to 17 years old.

More about our rider cover