Tails of UK Wildlife

Small actions. Big impact. Wilder future.


Whether you’re surrounded by the bright lights of a city or patchwork countryside, you have the power to rewrite the story of your local wildlife. But it’s a story that needs to be rewritten quickly. Sadly, the data shows we’ve now lost 19% of UK species since 1970, and there are concerns that our ‘green and pleasant land’, and all the beautiful creatures that live within it, are in still in danger.

From balcony pots to vast garden plots, let’s nurture the nature around us together, and help reverse the damage done before it’s too late.

As part of our campaign, we'll be sharing £100,000 between various rewilding and rehabilitation projects across the country, helping UK charities as they work to give back to the place we call home and the animals we share it with.

Join us in the coming months as we share details about these incredible charities and the fascinating animals they are working hard to support.



19% statistic graphic

How you can help wildlife

Pick up litter graphic

Graphic about signing petitions

Changes you can make at home

Graphic of image around giving water to birds

Benefits for wildlife

By preserving habitats and rewilding spaces around us, big and small, animals are given the chance to live and thrive in their natural environments. 

Butterfly and basking shark

An image of a dog and a field of wheat

Benefits for us 

Preserving these habitats also helps protect the biodiversity of our planet, helping produce the clean air we need to breathe, the water we drink, and the food we eat. 

The future of UK wildlife depends on everyone coming together and trying our best to make a difference, because even the smallest action can have a big impact.

Make an impact

UK wildlife facts you didn’t know

From enchanting red squirrels to humble bumblebees, explore fun facts about several of the UK's most popular wildlife species!

Wildlife etiquette for pet owners

Discover our top tips on wildlife etiquette and explore ways we can continue to save nature, together.

Helping wildlife conservation as a dog walker

Check out our top tips for helping with wildlife conservation while walking your dog!

Supporting biodiversity around waterways and canals

Find out why waterways and canals are important to wildlife - and discover how to support local waterway environments.

Are water butts worth it? How to conserve water

Discover the benefits of using water butts and how they can help to reduce water usage.

How to help birds near you

Learn about some helpful strategies for supporting the wild birds living near your home through the seasons.

How to provide water for wildlife

Explore our top tips on how you can provide water for wildlife!

Wildlife recording projects - a fun way to help nature

Discover how you can get involved with supporting local wildlife through different projects!

Simple swaps to make at home to help the environment

Explore simple swaps that can have a positive impact on wildlife and the wider world!

A guide to litter picking and beach cleans

Picking litter is a simple yet impactful way you can help wildlife - here's how! 

How to manage wildlife emergency situations

Find out what to do in emergency situations involving wildlife.

What to feed UK wildlife

Use our handy guide to discover what to feed UK wildlife!

The benefits of hedgerows - what you need to know

Let's explore the benefits of hedgerows and ways we can help take care of them!

Caring for wildlife and nature as a horse owner

Discover the many ways you can make a wonderful difference to wildlife as a horse owner.

How you can help wildlife during summer

Check out our top tips to help you support the wildlife surrounding your home this summer!

Attracting wildlife to your garden safely as a pet owner

Explore our top tips on how to attract wildlife to your garden in pet-friendly ways!

Supporting bumblebees at home

Ways to give bumblebees a helping hand when they need it most. 

Sustainable things to buy your pet

Learn all about ways to spoil your pet while caring for the planet!

The importance of biodiversity

Find out why it's important to protect vulnerable animals and the ecosystems they live in.

Dog poo – dangers and disposal etiquette

Discover the dangers of dog poo, and find out the best ways to dispose of it safely. 

Creating affordable and accessible wildlife-friendly spaces

Here are ways you can help wildlife with whatever space you have available.