Cat and Koala looking over an illustrated fence

Animal welfare blog

Behind every donation, every animal saved and charity supported, there’s someone like you helping to make a difference.

Animating the Ocean with Whale and Dolphin Conservation (WDC)

We’re honoured to be part of WDC’s journey, by supporting their revolutionary ‘Animating the Ocean’ research.

How you can help wildlife in autumn

Check out five of our top tips on how to nurture nature this autumn!

10 facts about pigeons - friends or vermin?

Explore 10 fascinating facts about our feathered friend, the pigeon!

Top tips for supporting birds of prey in the UK

Discover what you can do to make a difference to UK birds of prey today. 

Reasons to keep dogs on leads around wildlife

Here's why keeping your dog on a lead could help protect the wildlife you might encounter while out. 

What makes pet products eco-friendly and pet-safe?

Explore the characteristics that make a product both eco-friendly and pet-safe!

How to link your garden with a hedgehog highway

Hedgehogs face challenges in finding suitable habitats, let's help them by creating a hedgehog highway!

UK wildlife facts you didn’t know

From enchanting red squirrels to humble bumblebees, explore fun facts about several of the UK's most popular wildlife species!

Wildlife etiquette for pet owners

Discover our top tips on wildlife etiquette and explore ways we can continue to save nature, together.

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