The Shark Trust

Safeguarding the future of sharks through positive change.

Who are they?

Shark Trust was established in 1997 and has a base in Plymouth, yet Shark Trust’s small team work internationally!

Their goal is to safeguard the future of sharks through science, education, influence, and action. In Shark Trust’s own words, their vision is “a future where sharks thrive within a globally healthy marine ecosystem”.

Illustration with Polaroid frames, each one containing a photograph of a basking shark

What do they do?

Protecting shark populations is at the heart of Shark Trust’s approach. Although they highlight the importance of shark conservation across the world, Shark Trust also tackles problems faced by sharks through finding real-world solutions.

All of Shark Trust’s projects and campaigns rely on three key goals:

  • Species protection – they protect endangered species by placing science at the core of their conservation projects.
  • Fisheries management – they prevent population decline through overfishing by managing fisheries for sustainability.
  • Responsible trade – they promote responsible trade and reduced demand for non-sustainable shark products.


Their Oceanics Programme and Big Shark Pledge campaign targets better management of high seas fisheries through international advocacy while their Mediterranean Programme works with partners on the ground across the region to protect some of the world’s most threatened species. All of their work is guided by the latest Shark Science. 

Citizen Science projects allow you to get involved in shark conservation and research, too! Here are some examples of Citizen Science projects:

  • Great Eggcase Hunt – suitable for all ages, this project involves recording eggcases you find washed up on the beach.
  • Shark Log – record any sightings of sharks, skates, and rays in the Shark Sightings Database.
  • The Great Shark Snapshot – divers are asked to get involved by helping to build a better picture of shark populations around the world.

How we’ve helped Shark Trust

In 2021, we donated £25,000 to help develop The Shark Trust App

In 2023, we donated £10,000 to support the endangered Mako shark.

In 2024, we donated £10,000 towards their Basking Shark Project. 

£166,850 donation illustration


The Shark Trust App

The app is suitable for anyone with an interest in sharks, letting you share your findings with the wider Shark Trust community!

Available from a range of platforms, the Shark Trust App is used in Citizen Science projects to help you send data about:

  • Shark sightings.
  • Eggcases.
  • Basking sharks.
  • Angling catches.
  • Entanglement incidents.

Helping the Mako shark

We chose the Shortfin Mako as part of our “Ugly” Endangered Animals campaign because they need help and deserve our protection – despite their scarily sharp teeth! Shortfin Makos are valued for their meat and fins, so they are at risk of overfishing.

The Shortfin Mako’s current conservation status is ‘endangered’.

According to Shark Trust, the Shortfin Mako is built for speed. In fact, the Shortfin Mako is the fastest shark on record, reaching an estimated speed of 30mph!

Fun facts about the Shortfin Mako:

  • They can grow to a whopping four metres! (That’s around the height of an elephant!)
  • Their diet is mainly fish and squid.
  • They use a camouflage strategy called ‘counter shading’ (darker on top to blend with the ocean surface and lighter when looking up at them from below), which allows them to sneak up on their prey.
  • Females mature at 18 years, producing 4–25 pups (baby sharks!) every 3 years.

Find out more about the Shortfin Mako, and our “Ugly” Endangered Animals campaign, by clicking here!

‘Tails’ of UK Wildlife

For many of us, exploring coastal pathways with our canine companions makes for magical memories. However, as we’re adventuring along the coast with our best fur-iends, it can be easy to forget just how important seascape environments are for biodiversity… 

Which is why, as part of our epic ‘Tails’ of UK Wildlife campaign, we’ve partnered with the Shark Trust to preserve ocean habitats and monitor marine life. We’re donating £10,000 to this incredible charity, to support their Basking Shark Project. 

The future of UK wildlife depends on us all – even the tiniest action can have a big impact. If you want to get involved in supporting the species living in our seas, visit our article all about recording wildlife

How you can help Shark Trust


Listen to our podcast

From 400-year-old living vertebrates to sharks the size of a bus, and great whites in the UK to teeth that can be controlled! 

Why not take a dive into the deep blue sea with Paul Cox, Managing Director of Shark Trust, to learn more about the charity and the creatures they safeguard?