David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation

Funding key conservation projects across Africa and Asia





The David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation is a small charity that funds important and key projects in Africa and Asia. These projects work to save critically endangered mammals that live in the wild across the two continents and include anti-poaching and conservation. The projects aid a variety of animals that are endangered including elephants, rhinos, tigers, moon bears, snow leopards and gir lions. The charity also runs an adoption programme in which people can sponsor a chosen endangered animal and donate money specifically for that animal.

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We've donated £102,580!

Animal Friends supported one of their main campaigns ‘Tiger Time’, this is a conservation movement to help save the tiger from the brink of extinction. David Shepherd himself has stated that when he was born there were over 100,000 tigers in existence whereas today there are less than 3,200 as a result of poaching and habitat destruction. Whilst there are many organisations and charities trying to help stop the plight of the tiger, none has been as successful as the David Shepherd Wildlife Foundation in engaging the worldwide community through the means of social media.