International Otter Survival Fund

One of the world's leading otter charities

The International Otter Survival Fund (IOSF) has been running for over 20 years. They have been set up to conduct scientific research into otters and the environmental factors that affect the around the world, and they are the only UK charity solely dedicated to the care and conservation of otters.

Although, as a whole, the number of otters has slightly increased in recent years, many species of otter are seeing populations steadily drop. The IOSF is working hard to further boost otter numbers via a variety of projects that seek to not only sustain the population through conservation, but to also educate others about the elusive mammals.

International Otter Survival Fund logo

We've donated £34,703!

In addition to helping the otters native to the UK, the IOSF also helps to protect and sustain the otter population around the world through projects that combine community projects and scientific research. The charity aims to become a leading global authority on otter behaviour, habitat, persecution and conservation, with a view to making people understand what healthy otter populations mean for the environment.