The Donkey Sanctuary

Working towards a world where donkeys and mules live free from suffering

The Donkey Sanctuary is the world’s largest donkey and mule charity. They have continued to ease despair, agony and hopelessness around the world. They have a dedicated team of regional and area welfare officers throughout the UK and Northern Ireland who investigate reports of cruelty to or neglect of donkeys, quickly and efficiently. Animal Friends have donated to The Donkey Sanctuary more then once to help with the care of the Donkeys, one such way was through the Employee of the month scheme in February 2013.

The Donkey Sanctuary has been working to help these loyal, long-suffering animals for many years. They have bases and major programmes in India, Africa and South America; and have supported projects in many other countries.

The Sanctuary’s activities also include donkey-assisted therapy for children with additional needs and therapeutic visits for elderly people in the local community from centres.

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We've donated £28,500!