The Tree Council

Learn about how we helped in their mission to care for trees and our planet’s future.

Who we are

The Tree Council works towards making trees matter to people by planting more trees of the right kind, in the right places and providing better care for the vital canopies that give us oxygen to breathe, store carbon and give life and shelter to the world’s wildlife.



How we helped

Animal Friends donated £50,000 to The Tree Council to help enable the planting of up to 3,333 trees or metres of hedgerows which will allow wildlife to thrive in communities across the country.

Hedgerows are an essential refuge to wildlife, providing shelter while their flowers, berries and nuts are a vital food source for insects, birds and other animals. Hedgerows are the largest wildlife habitat in the UK, providing a home for more than 2,000 species, including threatened species like dormice, hedgehogs and barbastelle bats.

Hedgerows don’t just provide shelter, sustenance and more for some of our most iconic creatures, they also clean our air and capture carbon whilst reducing soil loss, pollution and flooding.


Did you know? One oak tree alone can support 2,300 species, 326 of which are entirely dependent on oak trees for survival.

Why we helped

It’s important to us and to our customers that we continue to protect British wildlife. A third of all woodland wildlife species are in decline and one in ten woodland wildlife species is at risk of extinction. By tackling habitat loss, the cause of the decline in many local species, we hope there will be a brighter future for our wildlife.

Our partners over at The Tree Council have recently been in touch to share with us an update, following our donation of £50,000 in October 2021.


"There have been fantastic projects that we've funded as a result of your support! In particular, lots of orchards being planted, which are amazing in terms of biodiversity." - Cat Gransden, Development Manager.

But it’s not just our wonderful wildlife that will benefit - planting trees and hedgerows will lead to cleaner air, reduced flooding for our communities, and a richer future for the generations to come.

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