Improving the welfare of working animals

SPANA is currently working their magic in seventeen countries in Europe, Asia and Africa, with permanent stations in seven of them. As well as free medicines and treatments they also provide education and training in the countries where they’re stationed in an effort to empower owners to provide better care through the lifetime of the working animals. They also help match abandoned animals to people in need, restoring livelihoods to those who may have lost them.

spana logo

SPANA is a charity for the working animals of the world. Since 1923, they have improved the welfare of hardworking animals of all species, from the logging elephants of Burma and the camels of the Sahara, to the over one hundred million working donkeys, horses and mules that act as trucks, tractors and taxis across the developing world.

For animals fortunate enough to enjoy access to SPANA clinics, their vets are often the only hope of a life free from pain and suffering. 

SPANA not only helps but also educates, helping people learn empathy for their working animals.

SPANA works on three main principles:

TREAT - SPANA provides free veterinary treatment for working animals at our centres across Africa and Middle East.

TRAIN - SPANA trains by building expertise among vets and promoting humane care by animal owners.

TEACH - SPANA teaches children to develop positive beliefs, respect and compassion towards animals.


We've donated £176,961.68!