Dog sat in front of an illustrated fence

Dog blog

All our news, opinion pieces, reviews and personal stories behind our dogs.

How Joii Pet Care can help you

We’ve partnered up with Joii Pet Care to bring our customers a free, convenient alternative to traditional vet appointments. Want to know how Joii Pet Care could help you?

How do I keep my dog safe around bikes?

Learn how to keep your dog safe around bikes, the rules around shared paths and how to stop your dog from chasing other moving objects

Puppy playing with a ball

Is your puppy teething? Here’s how to help

A teething pup is a chewing pup. If you're looking for ways to stop your puppy chewing your new shoes or gnawing on your carpet then look no further.

Fun activities to do in the outdoors with your dog

Looking for some inspiration on how to get outdoors with your dog? We've come up with 20 amazing ideas for you and your dog to get out and about while having fun.

Dogs and snakes

You’d be forgiven for thinking that snakes aren’t a great risk in the UK. However, just because we don’t see them doesn’t mean they aren’t there.

Five ways to keep your pet’s weight under control

Your pet’s weight can determine their health and quality of life - discover the top five ways to keep their weight under control.

12 ways your dog shows they love you

Discover the 12 surprising behaviours your dog may exhibit when they’re letting you know they love you!

Hypoallergenic pets for people with allergies

While no cat or dog is truly hypoallergenic there are still options for those who suffer from pet allergies. Discover which breeds are best for allergy sufferers.

A dog sitting on leaves

10 common problems dogs face in autumn

Falling leaves and cold mornings are beautiful but there are a few things to keep an eye out for if you're a dog owner. Here's a list of 10 common problems our dogs my face in autumn.