Photo of a dog behind a wired fence

Dog maintenance and safety

Tips and advice including dog theft prevention and what to do if your dog does go missing.

How to keep your dog warm this winter

There are a few things you should do to help keep your dog healthy and warm in the winter. 

Cycling with your dog

Bikes provide hours of fun for families, offer a form of transport and are a great way to exercise but can you take a dog with you on a bike ride? We look at if riding with your dog is safe, how to ride with your pooch and other things to consider.

Running with a dog

Running safety with your dog

Having a dog as an exercise partner can provide the motivation you need on the days you don’t feel like running and can help strengthen the bond between you. We provide some top tips on how to take your dog running safely.

How to walk & exercise dogs in winter

Read our top tips for walking and exercising your dog in winter to help keep you and your pooch safe. 

What to do if a dog attacks

Dogs can snap or find themselves in a fight with another dog - while dog attacks are not too common, you need to know what to do to protect yourself and your dog.

Ways to cut the cost of pet insurance

Practical steps you can take to help keep their pets protected while cutting the cost of your policy. 

Pet food banks

Advice for cat and dog owners to find their local pet food bank so that they can collect or donate to those in need. 

Can dogs sense thunderstorms?

Here’s exactly how our dogs sense a storm and how you can help them through one. 

How to keep your dog safe around livestock

Here are our top tips for helping keep your dog and livestock safe while out and about.